Friday, April 19, 2013

Be Calm And Hear Your Inner voice

Have you ever wondered sometime in life where everything is perfect just the way you planned it to be and yet you feel something is not right? Like something is drastically out of place even when everything looks perfect on the outside. We humans have a inbuilt nature of being inspired we all through all phases of our life have an idle in front of us who we try to become and achieve perfection. But did it ever strike you that maybe you don't want or can't become what the world already has.

Like I don't think there can be a second Walt Disney or a second Margaret Thatcher. We are all created to be unique that is why we all look different. Even if there are seven doppelgangers (look alike) of the same face in the world still out heights, weights, complexion, nature will be different. I am sure many of us are doing successful things in the world right now but there is a huge difference in doing what you planned or what you really like. Planning what you really like is a winner because if you like something you can push the bar of your capability to create new peaks.

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